Wednesday, February 22, 2012


About three years ago when Gopher was just an itty bitty puppy.

He already loved to meet and greet all people.

When he was that little Carla picked up the book, The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein.

Gopher occupied my chest and or lap sleeping while I read the book.

We knew that we were going to train him to be a therapy dog at the time, and one part of the book stuck with me. Enzo, our narrator and a dog, loved pancakes. He just wished he could stop to enjoy them, but being a dog he was unable to do that. As I read I decided that as a special treat Gopher would get pancakes following therapy visits.

Being a well trained pup he can sit mannerly at the table, but being a dogs he is unable to stop and enjoy the pancakes. We have photographed this before, but some of my peers have shown disbelief that we do this. Well here is the video evidence.

Don't worry little brother Squirrel who tries to stick his nose in gets a portion of the treat as well. 

Hope this makes you smile today, Happy Hump Day.

Chad and Gopher

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